12 icons of horror

Religious Symbols-
Religious artifacts used in horror films include; Christian, occult, satanic, voodoo or anything that is greater than humanity. Religion is frequently used in horror films with life and death, spirituality, man playing God and man fighting both inner and outer demons for example, demons and possession.
Symbols of death-
Symbols of dearth such as; skeletons, coffins, gravestones and angels of death are often portrayed in horror films. Of course death is a realistic factor in both life and films, therefore it'll instill more fear into the audience.
Light can symbolize things like; hope, transition, escape and sometimes death (you can see the light when you are close to death). However, sunlight typically represents comfort to some people and joy to others. Candles, lanterns and torches are conventional sources of light within horror. With these lights it allows shadows to be shown which is again a scary aspect in horror.
Colour is used to symbolize themes of power and good and evil. For example, red is frequently associated with evil, blood, lust and violence. Black is associated with evil while neutral colours like white relate to good things.
Weapons are used in the majority of horror films for example, guns and saws. Weapons like knives have phallic connotations which suggest that the male who is usually the owner of the weapon is "raping" the female victim. Or if it is a woman, she is symbolically castrating him. The weapon used is good if it reflects its character/the owner.
Doors and Windows-
These have many different meanings, they can help symbolize characterization. If a person is looking through a window they would typically have a limited amount of space in their eyesight, they are likely the spectator and not actually part of the outside world. They may be scared or unable to go outside and be included for example in The Others. Doors are however symbollic of opportuniy as characters are able to walk in and out of them.
Tunnels and corridors-
Tunnels and corridors have yonic symbolism attached to them. They can represent the passage to life, death and resurrection.
Keys and locks are symbolic of secrets, confinement and hidden objects or places.
Dolls are frequently used in the horror genre. These typically represent joy, happiness and innocence in a childs life however, they have been adapted to become a scary icon within horror films. Dolls have been distorted to emphasize the eeriness of them for example, oversized heads, unblinking eyes and exaggerated features.
Masks are often used in slasher films for example, Scream. They are used to hide evil, similar to dolls masks do not move which makes them much more unnerving. Usually the person behind the mask is a male but can sometimes be female.
Broken mirrors have connotations relating to shattered lives and personalities. Mirrors also represent voyeurism, vanity and sexual themes, they also reflect danger. The antagonist is often seen in the mirror behind their next victim.
