Media Regulation

I believe that the BBFC is required to regulate and control everything that the public is able to view for example; films, music videos, video games and magazines. This is in order to protect people from seeing inappropriate or damaging media. Throughout most peoples daily life music videos are shown in places such as, gyms, hair salons or restaurants, this means that the majority of the population is able to have access to this type of media therefore, some may be more vulnerable to becoming influenced by what these videos portray. Also, films and video games are increasingly becoming similar to each other in the respect that both formats can be very graphic and realistic meaning that some viewers might not be able to distinguish between what is real and what is in fact reality in a film or game. 

In order to actually be able to trust why and how things are regulated is down to some key factors; impartial decisions (biased ideas from only one regulator eg gender inequality), representative idea of society (diverse in race, gender, age and regional culture), democratic decision (views and ideas are listened to by all the regulators and then a majority vote ensues), multiple voices (by having a variety of people putting in their opinions there is less chance of an incorrect regulation taking place), an experienced regulator (adult), non-governmental (politicians are not representative of people in society).

Regulation is important and essential for many reason like protecting the vulnerable especially children who are more susceptible to being influenced, if a small child has watched a scary film and is therefore unable to sleep or has nightmares then the regulators have not done their job properly. Regulation also upholds the law by reinforcing the consequences of breaking the law by showing negative messages to remind people. Also to protect against dangerous messages and to prevent people from committing real-life crime in order to entertain people. As well as this, it is to stop immoral people being shown in a positive light for example, racists or misogynists therefore a repercussion is portrayed following these acts to show they are wrong.  
